Better mental health continues to be at the forefront and avenues to achieve it are becoming easier to navigate. Text therapy is rising in popularity, allowing people to reach out for support with their phones or other mobile device.
What may have come out of an appealing way to seek treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic has now become a more sought after benefit to offer mental health support. Participants of the Christian Brothers Employee Benefit Trust (CBEBT) have access to CuraLinc's Digital Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (dCBT) and Text Therapy (Textcoach®) programs.
CuraLinc's dCBT platform is an innovative online and mobile program that offers evidence-based content, practical resources and daily inspiration to foster meaningful and lasting behavioral change.
Late last year, CBS opened access for participants to new programs offered by SupportLinc, which includes a component for text therapy called Textcoach®, designed as a stand-alone digital option to fill the gaps in the traditional behavioral health medical system.
Textcoach®--designed to help manage day-to-day issues, users can connect with a mental health ‘coach’ via mobile or desktop on one’s own time. All coaches, independently licensed and experienced clinicians, will be available to help with a wide range of mental health concerns, such as anxiety, burnout, depression, drug and alcohol concerns, mindfulness, relationship issues, resilience, stress, trauma and more.
A recent article from Healthline points to research, noting that text therapy may succeed for some people because of something called the “online calming effect.”
An initial study offered in the journal article listed in the PMC, the National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine, indicates that online text therapy provides results similar to traditional therapy with the same interactions as face-to-face. For those with anxiety, being able to converse via text is appealing, seen as more comfortable and less threatening.
Through Textcoach® users can boost emotional fitness and well-being through an exchange of text-based dialogue, voicenotes, resource links and video links.
Download CuraLinc's dCBT app to get started!