How can you protect your organization against MFA attacks?
There is a new type of attack campaign that has been emerging over the past few months involving the ability to bypass a critical security control—multi-factor authentication.
MFA (or 2FA) is not a new concept and, as it has been more heavily adopted, attacks have been on the rise. This new attack, recently named "MFA Fatigue Attacks," isn't really surprising. People get tired of seeing the "push based" authentication requests they get from MFA, so if the attacker spams the "push request" button repeatedly, thus sending multiple requests to a user's phone, the user may either be tricked into pushing "Accept" or just "Accept" the request out of a desire to make the push requests stop. A recent blog post from Mandiant outlined how this tactic has been used by Russian threat actors during intrusions into business and government targets. The bottom line is: these tactics work!
The big things you can do are:
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There are several ways to help both prevent these attacks from succeeding and also to limit the blast damage to your organization that would incur if such an attack would succeed. This includes implementing the following and more:
CBS IT & Website Services has adopted a new theme for this year in all our webinars and articles. This year, we are moving from defense—IT Risk Management and cybersecurity during the pandemic years—to offense—taking full advantage of information technologies to improve services offered to all stake holders and constituencies, to improve operational efficiency and overall effectiveness.
You will see this proactive approach woven into the topics of our webinars, Outreach articles, and public speaking engagements throughout the year.