Explore our growing digital collection of materials designed to provide an easy-to-use database of educational information. Check out all our IT & Website Services articles and our past technology webinars on our website, including all the cybersecurity information during the last two years of the pandemic.
The Summer Edition of OutReach magazine includes “Going on the Offensive with IT,” an article that explains how your organization can benefit by advancing IT projects that create, enhance, modify, and adapt your IT projects.
Check out the latest IT webinar on demand, “Implementing and Advancing Information Technologies to Achieve Desireable Results: Part 2.”
A CBS representative is available anytime to answer questions or to provide your organization with a presentation on all things IT and IT Risk Management. Tom Drez, Managing Director, CBS IT & Website Services, is available for speaking engagements to groups, both in-person or virtual. Connect with Tom at linkedin.com/in/tomdrez. Contact us at 800.807.0200 or customerservice@cbprograms.com for more information.