With the increase in the sophistication of cyberattacks, organizations need to ensure that their employees are up-to-date with the latest cyber threats and how to protect themselves and the organization from these threats. Online cyber training can provide employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize and respond to potential cyber threats.
Cybersecurity is no longer just the responsibility of the IT department or cybersecurity professionals. Every employee in an organization has a role to play in maintaining the organization's cybersecurity. Online cyber training can help employees understand their role in maintaining cybersecurity and equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to do so.
Christian Brothers Risk Management Services now offers an array of specially designed online cyber training for members of the Risk Pooling Trust. These training sessions, which run anywhere from seven to 25 minutes, were developed for managers, supervisors, and employees and helps prepare your staff for a variety of cyber security situations.
Cyber Bring Your Own Device (Employees)—This micro training teaches all members of an organization about the risks and best practices involved with bringing your own digital devices into the workplace. Topics include: The pros and cons of BYOD, Risks, and best practices.
Cyber Bring Your Own Device (Leadership)—This micro training teaches all members of an organization about the risks and best practices involved with bringing your own digital devices into the workplace. Topics include: The pros and cons of BYOD, Risks, and best practices.
Cyber Data Security (Employees)—This micro training teaches all members of an organization about the risk and best practices for protecting sensitive data such as trade secrets, proprietary info, confidential info, Personally Identifiable Information, and account credentials. Topics include: Classifying data, Digital and physical data security to maintain data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Cyber Data Security (Leadership)—This micro training teaches all members of an organization about the risk and best practices for protecting sensitive data such as trade secrets, proprietary info, confidential info, Personally Identifiable Information, and account credentials. Topics include: Classifying data, Digital and physical data security to maintain data confidentiality, integrity, and availability.
Cyber Email Security—This micro-training teaches all members of an organization how to use email safely. Topics include avoiding phishing scams, identifying domain names, analyzing links, and handling attachments.
Cyber Interactive Manual—This interactive manual is intended to introduce you to the Cybersecurity program and provide some basic educational materials. This manual is designed for the facilitators and leaders of your organization’s cyber program.
Cyber Internet Security—This training will teach you how to protect yourself from cyberthreats on the internet. Topics include safe browsing habits, Wi-Fi best practices, phishing prevention, secure browsing, and digital computer safety.
Cyber Malware (ransomware, viruses, and more)—This micro-training teaches about malware, which includes viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, and ransomware. It will cover the differences between attacks, the characteristics of an attack, and best practices to prevent them.
Cyber Password Security—This micro-training teaches all members of an organization password safety. Topics include how passwords are hacked and best practices to make passwords as hard as possible to crack.
Cyber Phishing Prevention—This micro-training teaches about phishing, vishing, and smashing, as well as the characteristics of a phishing attack, how to identify phishing attempts, and best practices to avoid phishing attacks.
Cyber Remote Work—This micro-training will discuss protecting physical and digital assets while working remotely. Topics include the risks and best practices for physical security, Wi-Fi security, Internet of Things security, and computer security.
Cyber Removable Media—This micro-training will teach you how to avoid common risks with removable media. Topics will include the risks and best practices to protect yourself and your organization from malicious actors.
Cyber Social Engineering—This micro-training will teach you about common tactics of social engineering and how to avoid them. Topics include learning about social engineering, phishing, social media exploitation, in-person social engineering such as tailgating and pre-texting, and best practices to avoid these tricks.
Cybersecurity Awareness in the Workplace—This module details various cybersecurity best practices for the workplace. Topics include the types of cyber threats—including malware, phishing, and social engineering —as well as best practices for preventing cyberattacks in the workplace. The content in this module is meant for employees at any level within an organization.
By providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe online, organizations can reduce the risk of data breaches, malware infections, phishing attempts, and other malicious activities. Online cyber training from RMS offers you the best, most convenient training, all at no charge.
Interested in registering for online training modules or need assistance?
Contact Anthony Chimera, Risk Control Specialist, at 800.807.0100, ext. 2512 or by email at Anthony.chimera@cbservices.org
You will be provided with a username and password to test the various modules you are interested in viewing. If, after previewing the modules, you would like the entire platform, we will customize your platform needs. We will also provide web training for your platform administrators so they can manage the platform on their own.